
The cost to play Soccer Supremos

It is 100% totally free to join. When you join you receive 2 Free Turns. Beyond the first 2 free turns, you will be charged a maximum of £1.50 per turn. There are ways to obtain up to 15% discount too.

Although a turn costs £1.50, by paying for an entire season (30 weeks) you can get as much as 15% discount. On top of that new managers get given 2 free turns upon joining, and there are prizes given in the way of free turns too.

Here’s the summary:

  • It costs to play (beyond the first 2 turns)
  • There is no advertising
  • A ‘flat fee’ for a single club per week of £1.50
  • No additional add-on charges
  • No ‘pay-to-win’ options
  • Discounts will be available for bulk payments (up to 15%)
  • There will be ‘Free Credits’ or ‘Free Turns’ which will be awarded as prizes / incentives
  • New Managers will all be awarded ‘2 Free Turns’ upon signing up

There are 3 ways you can make payments. Remember, a turn costs £1.50 (excluding discounts and prizes). Your account needs to be in a positive balance to submit your turnsheet and receive the results.

It is advised you pay in bulk, rather than one turn at a time. Here are the suggested bulk payment bundles [1 Credit = 1 Turn]:

  • £30.00 = 20 Credits + 2 Free Turns
  • £60.00 = 40 Credits + 6 Free Turns
  • £90.00 = 60 Credits + 9 Free Turns
Pick a payment option listed below, make the payment and send an email to Mention your name, your league and club number and supply with it confirmation of payment. As you can see you can transfer funds into a UK-based bank account, PayPal account or if you prefer to use a credit card you can make use of PayPal. The preference would be to use Monzo, as PayPal carries higher fees.
Account Details

Account: Sean Cleworth
Account No.: 67841112
Sort Code: 04-00-04
Send Payment to
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